Privacy statement
Driessen Groep takes the privacy of its visitors very seriously and will process and use personal data about you in a secure manner. In doing so, Driessen Groep complies with the laws and regulations in the field of personal data protection, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG).
Data from website visitors
In general, you can visit our website without providing any personal data to us. However, Driessen Groep, like many websites, does collect certain non-identifiable automatic information, such as the type of browser you use, the date and time of access to the website, the region from which you visit our website, and the pages and sections of the website you visit and information you view.
The information collected is used to tailor the content of the website optimally to the wishes and needs of our website visitors. Driessen Groep may pass this information on to third parties if necessary. This data may be saved for future use. Our website uses cookies for this purpose. For more information, please see our cookie statement or change your cookie settings here.
Data from business associates
Business associates include employees or representatives of (potential) business associates, such as clients, suppliers, vendors and other companies or institutions.
Purposes of data collection
Driessen Groep will use the data collected about business relations for the following purposes:
- to allow you to use our services and/or to use your services;
- in order to establish and maintain a business relationship with you;
- To agree on orders and/or carry them out or have them carried out;
- To inform you about our services and other activities (for example, via e-mail, newsletters and company magazines) and to make you offers;
- to grant you access to and use of our closed web environments, portals and intranet environments;
- To inform you about the products and/or services of our carefully selected partners by placing information about them on our websites or by including them in our newsletters, company magazines and the like;
- in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations;
What data
Driessen Groep processes, among other things, the following data: (business) name and address (name, address, place of business/residence), e-mail address, data for maintaining the relationship, job and contact data, IP address when you submit a form (to prevent abuse). If you are provided with a user name and password to gain access to our private web and mine environments, portals and/or our intranet, this data is also processed by us.
Use by third parties
Driessen Groep may pass on the personal data of employees and representatives of (potential) business relations to others if this is important for the performance of its services. Driessen Groep may also pass on your data to flexworkers, (mobility) candidates, applicants, employees, suppliers (e.g. training bodies), audit bodies, government agencies, subcontractors and to companies and/or persons it has engaged to perform certain tasks (including processors). In addition, Driessen Groep may provide your data to others if it is entitled or obliged to do so under the law and/or regulations, a court order or a legal judgement, or has obtained your consent to do so. Furthermore, Driessen Groep may post your company profile or vacancies on its website, whether or not anonymised, after you have given your consent to do so.
Special personal data
Driessen Groep only processes special personal data insofar as you give your explicit consent or such processing is in accordance with applicable laws and/or regulations. Only persons who need to have access to the special personal data you provide to Driessen Groep for the (performance of) their work and/or to comply with the applicable laws and regulations have access to these data. This includes the personnel, financial, absence and/or salary administration, processors, persons involved in (internal and external) quality control, (the supervision of) financial reporting and the implementation of premium discount and subsidy schemes.
Driessen Groep has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure your personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. Your personal data may be processed outside the Netherlands. Driessen Groep has taken the necessary measures to ensure that all transmitted personal data are adequately protected.
Despite the security measures taken by Driessen Groep, it is possible that others may still manage to circumvent these measures and/or use your personal data for improper purposes. Driessen Groep can never be held liable for this in any way. Please also see our Digital Whistleblower Policy (responsible disclosure procedure).
Preserving your data
Driessen Groep will not retain your personal data longer than necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and are processed.
Identification, modification and deletion of your data
Through your account you have access to a large part of the personal data registered about you. You can change some of the data yourself at any time. If you wish to inspect your total personal data processing and/or change or remove data that you cannot change yourself, please contact your contact person at Driessen Groep. If you do not have an account and wish to inspect your data and, if necessary, change or remove it, please contact your contact person at Driessen Groep.
References and links to other websites
On the website you will find a number of links to other websites. Although these websites have been carefully selected, Driessen Groep cannot be responsible for the use of your data by these organizations. On these websites, you are subject to the privacy rules of the website in question. Therefore, if available, please read the privacy statement of the website you are visiting.
Driessen Groep reserves the right to make changes to this privacy statement. Therefore, please check the privacy statement regularly for an update of the privacy policy.
Questions, comments or complaints
If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding this privacy statement or the way in which Driessen Groep registers and processes your data, you can contact us by e-mail at or by sending a letter to Driessen Groep, attn. Juridische Zaken, Postbus 748, 5700 AS Helmond. You can also contact our data protection officer Danny Akkers on 0492 - 50 66 66.