Learning Lab Foundation

The Learning Lab originated from Driessen Groep and has grown into an independent foundation. Here students get the chance to discover their talents and develop further. They work on real assignments from companies, gain practical experience and thus experience more work and learning happiness. The Learning Lab Foundation thus ensures a better transition from school to work for young talents.

Education and labor market

In the Learning Lab, students work on real assignments from companies, gaining hands-on experience and preparing them optimally for the labor market.

Learning happiness and work happiness

Students are given the space to discover and further develop their talents. This ensures that they can build their future with enthusiasm, passion and fun.

Social impact

Students tackle current issues such as work happiness, sustainability and inclusion. In doing so, they contribute to innovative solutions that shape the labor market of the future.

Initiatives of Learning Lab Foundation

Inspiration session

How can AI contribute to the workforce shortage?

Pressure Cooker

What is important for young employees' work happiness and how can you get started with this tomorrow?

Research & intervention

What does the workplace of the future look like?
Find out what students can do for you

In the Learning Lab, students work on real assignments. They also provide refreshing inspiration sessions. Do you have an assignment or want to learn from the Learning Lab students?

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