Our contribution to the SDGs

At Driessen Groep, we are actively working towards a sustainable and fair world. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are an important compass for us. These 17 goals, drawn up in 2015, provide direction on how we as a world can work together on major issues such as reducing poverty, combating inequality and protecting the climate.

What are the SDGs?

The SDGs are global goals we must achieve together for a better future. Think clean energy, fair opportunities and decent work. The goal is to achieve these goals worldwide by 2030, and we can all contribute through the choices we make in our daily lives and work. At Driessen Groep, we also do our part.

How we contribute to the SDGs

Within Driessen Groep, we pay particular attention to the SDGs listed below, which are directly related to our mission:

SDG 3: Good health and well-being

A healthy future for all is what SDG 3 is all about. Health and well-being at work play an important role in this. We provide a safe working environment, both physically and socially. We also support the vitality of our (flexible) employees mentally, physically and financially.

SDG 4: Quality Education

Education and development is important for growth and progress. We too do our part by supporting employees within and through Driessen Groep in their education and development so that they are and remain work-fit. In doing so, we look primarily at who you are and what you can do.

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

Good work and economic opportunity for all: that's what SDG 8 stands for. For us, that means ensuring fair, meaningful and inclusive work where work happiness and personal growth are paramount. This is how we contribute to a healthy and thriving economy.

SDG 10: Reduce inequality

Everyone deserves equal opportunities, regardless of background or personal circumstances. We are committed to reducing the distance to the labor market by providing a place for people from diverse backgrounds and by encouraging inclusion and diversity within our own organization as well as among our partners.

SDG 13: Climate Action

We feel responsible for our impact on the environment. With targeted actions and conscious choices, we are working to reduce carbon emissions, make our business processes more sustainable and take responsibility for reducing our ecological footprint. This is how we contribute to a healthier planet.

SDG 17: Partnerships

Alone you go fast, but together you go further. We believe in partnering with other organizations to achieve sustainable goals. Be it customers, suppliers, industry associations or educational institutions. Together, we make more impact and accelerate the movement toward a sustainable and inclusive economy.

Daily impact, lasting change

Sustainability is a daily choice with us. We always keep the SDGs in the back of our minds, whether it's being a good employer, socially engaged or environmentally conscious. By integrating the SDGs into our business operations, we make a real difference for people, the environment and society.

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